mercredi 24 septembre 2008

La nature belle et sauvaaaaage , bouh !

La nature hostile du Anhui !

Les scorpions hostiles

les mante religieuse hostiles

les libelules...beaucoup moins hostiles

jeudi 18 septembre 2008


Mon compagnon fidèle-partout, tout le temps, jamais decu.



Relaxing time at SHENG SI ISLAND 1 hour awaw from Shanghai- Quite nice and quite landscapes. clean mountain roads zigzaguing from one harbour to another.

L'ile de Shengsi, a une heure de bateau de Shanghai dans le delta du Huangpu, idéal pour sortir et respirer un peu. DEs petites montagnes et des routes bien propres circulant le long de la mer...Style un peu mediteranéen.

Ca fait du bien !

mercredi 17 septembre 2008

Au boulot !

mardi 16 septembre 2008

Chinese always

Chinese remains chinese...even with potatoe chips !

Bikink crew

Our team during the last mtb trip to Anhui. Around a funny baby and his / her mother

La vie des champs - Farmer life - 农民的生活

La vie des champs dans le Anhui en image

la vie des champs dans le Anhui en video

Farmers' life -农民的生活

The below video was the first one i took of those farmers. I wanted to do a "national geografic like video". The first seconds were nice, you truly feel the real field labour spirit, but watch till the end. It seems that the white guy wearing underwear does not really match within the framework. :-)


L'attaque de la mante pas contente !

Sports cam tests

rer cej

dimanche 7 septembre 2008

Bike and video ?

First test with the sanyo on a seat post. need someone behind me to make this video interesting, but the quality and stability is quite ok. Seat post is the best regarding angle but of course you videotape the trail behind you. i tryed on the fork or on the helmet, but did not find any solution regarding both angle and stability.

Any tips ?

As far as i'm concerned, as a montainbike rider, i've always looked for a camera to videaotape our furious trips in the remote countryside. Something both practical and solid. With a nice shape to fit on a helmet or handle bar for instance (with foam or bubble wrapper and support- like mac guyver will explain to me later).

i've found this one for a reasonble price/ Quality (around 2500 rmb for the model i'd like to buy).

A Sanyo brand product. Actually it's a digital camera but truly Mpeg video oriented (it enhances video quality and the design is more videocam-like, if you ask me)

If anyone has comments , tips or ideas, please drop a line. the bottom line is to videotape while riding. Tough and risky...maybe, but so much fun.

Otherwise, i found this little stuff(a friend found a store in qingdao). A cam completely devoted to sport actions. (water proof, really solid and compact

I'm really attracted by this product (cheap-170O RMB) but honnestly i do not know about the quality. So if anyone has heard about it or similar stuff, please leave comment.
check the link.

Flat tire ? broken saddle in Shanghai ? Do not worry

I feel safe biking in Shanghai- ripped tire, broken saddle....any problem please stop by and chose :-)

Here is a selection of best 修理车 Xiu Li Che- Bike / Scooter repair places or people. Please send me your best shot of those increadibly useful shops or people (in action or not). I'll publish them here. the best shot of the month will receive a nice gift.

samedi 6 septembre 2008

Across the Huangpu river

The magnificient beauty of polluated huangpu river (Shanghai)- Industrialized river- bank. Heading at Puxi.

How to switch from Slick to Knobby tires for a MTB ride

Don't bother !!! do the same as us.... One of our mate came for this ride in Xiakeng-Anhui Province with slick tires..too lazy to switch beforehand at home !!

1- Remove your wheels out of the van

2- After wasting your time trying to remove the tire from the wheel, use a huge and sharpened special local tool (big knife) to split the tire apart
3- Then use scissor to cut the tire and remove the inner tube

4- Go on all along the tire

5- After having understood that there is no f***ing inner tube but only a tire completely glued to the rim, destroy it completely Actually, the flat tires was increadibly stuck on the rim....impossible to remove. we spent one hour and half in order to swich properly from one to another for both wheels. no mentioning the two flat tires we had before being ready to ride !!

Yes , you can enjoy your ride now !

Actually, we all enjoyed riding in this place !

BBQ at Moganshan- 3-hour trip away from Shanghai

My lovely heart for anyone who needs it :-)

The Barbecue Master....

For your finest Chinese outdooor parties, please book your barbecue master At Booking at least 3 days prior to BBQ.

May i remind you guys that everything is made in wood here..even the roof up here :-)

Magical shield- protects her from anything

Bzzz, Take this, bad chair !

Barbecue at Moganshan- 3 hours away from Shanghai-We had great fun that night- amazing food in a quite place away from work issues.


Old-style wodden mail boxes in Shanghai French Concession.

Qui a dit que le VTT en Chine, c'etait impossible.

Grace a des locaux et des étrangers qui en veulent (Thomas-Eric...) on a pu passer un très bel été sportif.

Il va falloir assurer cet automne, retarder un maximum la sortie des pneus slick. S'entrainer d'avantage et plus serieusement cet hivers. Pour etre en forme pour la suite :-)

En tout cas Merci au crew !

火钎还是搞笑 ?

vendredi 5 septembre 2008

I love this street, it's wonderful, it belongs to the north-west part of Shanghai. I guess it has been built by English at the very beginning of 2Oth century. But I’m not quite sure, i promise i'll check it out. Nowadays, middle class and lower class- Chinese people live in it. I’m pretty sure they’d rather live in a high-standard 30-floor building.

我真的喜欢这条路挺美丽 在上海东北区 我听说英国人建造了40年以前 但是不一定我不了解中国的故事

Lin Nan Lee....From ChongQing !

Manon, la petite fille que je viens d'adopter.......

Non c'est pas vrai, mais je pense que la mienne, la vraie ressemblera a ca, en plus belle encore


Vous remarquerez le caractère entouré sous la banderolle 拆 CHAI qui veut dire "a démolire" ici. on se reveille un matin et il est la, entouré en rouge.
加快沿江开发 造福于民 = Accelerer le developpement de la rive pour le bien être de tous . Je pense que ca veut tout dire. Vite vite que l'on puisse mettre les beaux imeubles d'appartements tous neufs......mais ou vont tous ces gens ensuite ?

Il n'en reste pas beaucoup, mais ils sont beaux...les ptits vieux quartiers de Shanghai....

Celui ci n'a plus long a vivre on l'a déja condamné ------------->